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来自 : 新浪博客 发布时间:2021-03-25
【简讯】意大利化工集团ItalmatchChemicals Group将在5月底完成对雅富顿化工 Afton Chemical金属加工液业务的收购。



ItalmatchChemicals Group is set to acquire Afton Chemical’s metalworkingfluid business, strengthening the Italian company’s position in theindustrial lubricants market, the companies announced Friday. Thedeal is expected to close by May 30.

Financialterms of the agreement were not disclosed.

The dealencompasses all of the Richmond, Virginia-based company’smetalworking fluids-related businesses and assets. This includesoperations plants in Bedford Park, Illinois, and Manchester, UnitedKingdom; the company’s research and development sites in India andChina; and capacity in Hyderabad and throughout China, according tothe press release. The plants in India and China, however, will beretained by Afton to insure security ofsupply.

“Thistransaction further strengthens Italmatch Chemicals Group’sposition in the industrial lubricants and metalworking fluidsbusiness, integrating the current production range with a series offluid additives for high-performance metal processing thanks to theapplication of advanced technology,” said Silvia Lingiardi,Italmatch’s corporate communication specialist, in aninterview.

Italmatch hasnot yet decided if there will be any changes to the Aftonmetalworking fluids brand, but emphasized that customers will gainaccess to a broader range of industrial lubricants through thisdeal. “The integration process will be mainly based on employmentcontinuity,” Lingiardi added.

The companiesdeclined to comment on how the acquisition came about. One industryexpert speculates the move may be an attempt to achieve a moreprofitable company, should the owners of Italmatch decide tosell.

“Italmatch\'sowners are considering whether to put the business up for sale, soI assume that the acquisition from Afton is an attempt to achieve abigger scale, and maybe profitability,” R. David Whitby, chiefexecutive for British consulting firm Pathmaster Marketing Ltd.,told Lube Report. “The sale also allows Afton tofocus on its core automotive and industrial lubricants additivesunits,” he added.

Whitbybelieves that when Afton acquired its metalworking fluid businessfrom Polartech, it didn’t fit well with the company, making thissale an unsurprising move. “The metalworking fluids part of thelubricants business is fundamentally different to other segments ofthe automotive and industrial lubricants businesses,” Whitbysaid.

He assertsthat Afton’s metalworking fluid unit meshes better with Italmatch,because the company is already an established metalworking fluidadditive and other lubricant additives supplier.

“Thisagreement strategically follows the recent acquisition of ElcoCorp. in the USA, still in industrial lubricants business, allowingan important development of our current production range throughthe introduction of new and advanced technologies mainly dedicatedto water[-based] metalworking fluids and permitting to count on newsites in the United States of America, in Europe and India,” saidSergio Iorio, the CEO of Italmatch, in the pressrelease.

This isItalmatch’s second acquisition this year, and its fifth acquisitionsince 2017. Early last month, the company acquired Chineseantiscalant phosphonate component business Jiayou Chemical fromEcolab Inc., adding a plant specializing in phosphonates to itsportfolio.

In December,Italmatch acquired Elco, a Cleveland, Ohio-based company thatfocuses on the production of high performance lubricant additivesfor industrial applications, and hydrochloric acid. Elco now actsas a U.S. subsidiary of Italmatch.

Using itsBrazil subsidiary, Italmatch Do Brasil Partipacoes, the companyacquired Brazilian distributor Sudamfos de Brasil in October 2017.The distributor specialized in phosphonates, phosphates and otherspecialty chemical products.

Finally, inan effort to expand its production range for the industrial waterand process treatment markets, Italmatch acquired Magpie Polymersin July of last year. The French startup developed and patentedselective filtration to recover precious metals.

Italmatch isa global specialty chemicals company focused on the production andmarketing of industrial lubricants, performance additives for waterand process treatment, oil and gas, and plastics. Afton Chemical isa global lubricant and fuel additives company.

Italmatch Gains Afton’s MWFBusiness

By Katie KellenbergerSource:Lube Report Americas

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发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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